I have recently dispatched to you, through Messrs. ALLEN and Co., the busts of SIR W. JONES and Mr. COLEBROOKE, which I doubt not will afford the Society much satisfaction. The bill remitted by you of 1367. has been realised, but the charge is a trifle more, being 1427. 10s. including the expense of reducing the bust of Sir W. JONES from the more colossal proportions of the statue in St. Paul's, and the expense of packing. I have paid the balance. The funds you have placed at my disposal will probably allow it to be deducted from them without inconvenience, if not, I can draw upon the Society for the amount. Mr. JAMES PRINSEP, I am sorry to state, continues in the same condition. There is no sensible improvement, but he is not apparently worse than he was six months ago. Yours very sincerely, H. H. WILSON To Dr. O'SHAUGHNESSY. Resolved-That the amount advanced by Professor WILSON, for the purposes above mentioned, be forthwith remitted to him, with a suitable acknowledgment of the trouble he has taken in forwarding the busts. Library. Read a letter from the Secretary to the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen, acknowledging the receipt of two specimens of ancient warlike weapons, presented by the Society through Dr. CANTOR, and intimating his having forwarded several articles for the use of the Society. Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries, DEAR SIR,-We received by Dr. CANTOR your letter of 18th October last year, together with two specimens of ancient warlike weapons of copper, for our Museum. These we consider as of importance for our collection, and we shall take a future opportunity of writing more particularly on this subject. It would be very interesting if we could obtain a few more such matters of different sorts from India. Dr. CANTOR is a good judge of northern antiquities, and knows what will be of greatest interest to us in a scientific point of view. I take the present opportunity to inform you, that I have dispatched from our Society to yours the following articles, which I hope will arrive safely. By Peter HANSEN, Esq. Chief of the Establishment at Serampore (8th November, 1837.) The Annals of the R. S. N. A. 1836-1837, &c. By Capt. RABE, to the care of Colonel REHLING, Governor of Tranquebar (18th April, 1838, and 18th October, 1838.) 1. My work entitled, " Antiquites Americanæ," published by our Society. 2. My Memoir, separately published in French "Sur la déconverte de l' Amérique au dixième siècle." 3. My general Chart or Map, in illustration of the voyages of discovery to America, performed by the Scandinavians. 4. My special Map of Greenland. 5. Sundry other Maps published by the Society. 6. Some facsimiles of Icelandic Vellum Codices (skinnbækr.) 7. R. K. RASK's Samlede Afhandlinger, 3 die deel. The great importance of the literature of India to the Scandinavian north, and conversely the importance of that of the latter to India, prompts to a more intimate con Read a letter from J. P. GRANT, Esq. officiating Secretary to the Government of India, Revenue Department, forwarding the following Books : Illustrations of Indian Botany, No. 12. Dr. WIGHT'S Illustrations of Indian Plants, Nos. 11 and 12. Read a letter from the Messrs. BOWDITCH, Sons of the late Mr. N. BOWDITCH, forwarding for presentation the 4th volume of the "Mécanique Céleste, by LA PLACE," translated by their father, with a commentary. Boston, August 18th, 1839. SIR,-We send you, for the use of the Royal Asiatic Society, the first and last volumes of our father's commentary on the "Mécanique Céleste". Before his death Mr. BowDITCH prepared a few notes to the fifth volume, but they are imperfect, and therefore will not be published. May we be allowed to refer to your notice the Appendix to the memoir of the translation, wherein you will find the disposition we have made of his library. In England our determination to make the "Bowditch Library" a free public institution, has been received with approbation by Sir JOHN HERSCHEL and others, and therefore we have taken the liberty of mentioning it to you. We remain respectfully, yours, N. J. BOWDITCH, J. BOWDITCH, F. D. BOWDITCH, W. G. BOWDITCH, Children of Nathaniel BoWDITCH. To the Secretary of the Royal Asiatic Society, Calcutta. Resolved-That the thanks of the Asiatic Society be conveyed to the Messrs. BowDITCH, for their valuable donation; and that the Society further offer their cordial approval of the generous resolution regarding the disposal of the Bowditch Library. Read a letter from Major JERVIS, Provisional Surveyor General, conveying a brochure by M. REINHARD. Bombay, 10th Dec. 1839. SIR,-On my way through France by the overland route to this country, I was charged by my distinguished friend Monsieur REINHARD, Membre de l'Institut, to present the accompanying volume in his name to the Asiatic Society of Bengal. And although not as yet a member of your distinguished body, I venture to assure you of the very warm interest which he and many other celebrated orientalists in France, Members of the French Institute, take in every thing connected with the objects of your Society. I have the honor to be, Sir, To the Secy. Asiatic Society. Your most obedient servant, T. B. JERVIS, Major of Engineers, appointed Provisionally Surv. Gen Read a letter to the President from M. DUTROUILLY, Treasurer of the Académie Royale de Bordeaux, presenting copies of the Actes de la Société, requesting the Journal in exchange, and inquiring after the state of Mr. Jas. PRINSEP's health. Académie Royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. MONSIEUR, Bordeaux, le 28 Aout, 1839. L'Académie me charge de vous adresser les deux premiers numéros de ses Actes, elle vous prie de les offrir, de sa part, à la Savante Compagnie que vous présidez, elle se fera un vrai plaisir de lui adresser régulièrement les fascicules à fur et à mesure qu'ils paroitront, elle espère que la Société Asiatique voudra bien lui continuer l'envoi de son journal. L' Académie me charge aussi, Monsieur, de vous adresser un exemplaire de ses Actes, elle vous prie de l'agréer comme un hommage rendu à votre zèle éclairé pour les Sciences et les Lettres. L'Académie a appris avec peine que l'honorable Monsieur PRINSEP l'un de vos Membres avait été dangereusement malade, comme elle n'a reçu aucune nouvelle de sa santé, et qu'elle à appris seulement qu'il avait été au Cap pour la retablir; y auroit il de l'indiscretion, Monsieur, à vous prier de vouloir nous donner de ses nouvelles. Le service qu'a rendu à la science M. PRINSEP, le rend cher à tous ceux qui la cultivent, et particulièrement à l' Académie. Veuillez, je vous prie, Monsieur, agréer et faire agréer à la Savante Société Asiatique l'assurance de la haute considération avec laqu'elle J'ai l' honneur d'être. Monsieur, Votre très-humble et très obéissant serviteur, DUTROUILLY, Trésorier de l'Académie Royale des Sciences Belles Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. Resolved unanimously,―That the thanks of the Society be offered to the Académie de Bordeaux, and the Journal regularly forwarded as desired. The Secretary was further instructed to communicate to M. DUTROUILLY the latest intelligence regarding Mr. PRINSEP. The following Books were presented : Outlines of the Topography and Statistics of the Southern Districts of Oudh and of the Cantonment of Sultanpore, Oudh, by Dr. D. BUTTER,—by the Author. Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 18, in 2 parts, —by the Academy. Description of an Observatory established at Travandrum, by His Highness the Rajah of Travancore, by John CALDECOTT, Esq. Astronomer to His Highness, -by the Author. Annuaire des Marées des Côtes de France pour L'an 1839, publié au Dept. de la Mémoire Sur les Divers Moyens de Se Procurer Une Base. Par A. M. R. CHAY ALLON. Nieuwe Verhandelungen der Erste Klasse, Van het Konin Glijk Nederlandische Solemnia Natalitia Regis Augustissimi ac Potentissimi Frederici Wilhelmi III. ac Aug. II edited by Professor A. G. SCHLEGEL, Bonn 1839,--by the Author. Mémoire sur le système Grammatical des Langues. Par M. P. et Du Ponceau, L.L.D.-by the Author. The American Almanac and Repository for 1839-by the American Philosophical Society. The East Indian Journal, No. 2, by R. C. WOODS, L.L.D.-by the Author. Meteorological Register for December, 1839- by the Surveyor General. The following books were received from the booksellers : Journal des Savans, for May and June, 1839. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopædia-History; vol. 2. Illustrations of Ornithology, by JARDINE and SELBY, purchased from a number for Co's. Rs. 100. Literary. Mr. Secretary PRINSEP forwarded on the part of Government the following papers for publication in the Society's Transactions, or in its Journal: Dr. J. W. HELFER's third and fourth Report on Tenasserim, the surrounding nations, inhabitants-natives and foreigners, character, morals and religion. Dr. RICHARDSON'S Proceedings on his Mission to Siam and the Shan states, with a Map of Siam. Dr. CAMPBELL's Notes on the Mechis, with a Vocabulary of their language. The officiating Secretary apprized the Meeting of his having received from Lieut. T. HUTTON the first part of his "Journal of a trip through Kunawur, Hungrung, and Spiti," to the expenses of which the Society had contributed a sum of 1000 Rs. pursuant to the resolution passed at the Meeting held on 1st Nov. 1837, (J. A. S. vol. 6 p. 898.) Mr. J. W. LAIDLAY forwarded a paper on Mohammedan Coins. Museum. The officiating Secretary then requested the attention of the Meeting to a very important dispatch recently received from the Court of Directors.-This dispatch rendered it necessary to assign 250 rupees per mensem to the salary of a Curator.-The Committee of Papers had taken the subject into their serious consideration, and their Minutes are accordingly appended to the official letter. Extract from letter No. 17 of 1839, from the Honorable the Court of Directors in the Public Department, dated the 18th September. Applications from the Asiatic Society of Calcutta to the Government for assist ance. Letter of 30th Aug. 1837. correspon dence with Sir Edward Ryan, the President of the Society, soliciting the aid of Government to the amount of rupees 200 per mensem, in maintaining the museum of antiquities and natural history already commenced by the Society, but which must fail without such aid; also requesting permission to purchase antiquities, manuscripts, and objects of natural history and science to the extent of rupees 800 per mensem, on the engagement that the objects shall be placed at the disposal of the Government if the Court should decline to sanction the measure. The subscription of rupees 200 per mensem was sanctioned, and it was intimated, with regard to the latter application, that the Government declined a fixed grant, but would be ready to receive recommendations for the purchase of objects of more than common interest. Letter of 12th Sept. 1838. Reporting that the Governmert had acceded to the application of the Society by giving retrospec Para. 81. Your letter of the 30th August, 1837, forwards an application from the Asiatic Society of Calcutta soliciting the aid of the Government for the extension and maintenance of their Library and Museum, submitted to you with a letter from Sir E. Ryan, the President of the Society. 82. The objects of the Society, as set forth in their resolution of the 7th June, 1837, and their President's address, are the means of providing for the services of a professional naturalist to superintend and systematize their collections-of defraying the cost of preserving-of displaying the collections of curious and instructive articles already made-and of procuring additional objects illustrative of the geography, antiquities, statistics, mineralogy, conchology, botany, and natural history of India. In order to accomplish these purposes they estimate that in addition to their own available resources, an annual expenditure of 10,000 rupees is necessary. Although however specifying this sum as the amount of the aid which they are desirous of receiving, they leave it to you to fix the extent of any grant which you may deem it expedient to afford. 83. In your reply to the President of the Society you acknowledge the claims of the Asiatic Society of Bengal to the gratitude of the public, both in Asia and in Europe, for the persevering and successful efforts it has made, for more than half a century, to investigate and illustrate the literature, science, and natural and artificial productions of the East. You recognize the advantages which may |