THE 12/12/25 YOUNG MAN'S BOOK OF ELEGANT POETRY; COMPRISING SELECTIONS FROM THE WORKS OF THE CLASSICAL POETS OF GREAT BRITAIN BY THE AUTHOR OF "THE YOUNG MAN'S OWN POOK." Philadelphia: 253 MARKET STREET, 1838. 1 Entered according to the act of Congress, in the year 1835, by KEY & BIDDLE, in the clerk's office of the district court of the eastern district of Pennsylvania. Stereotyred by J. Fagan...... Philadelphia. PREFACE. THE success which has attended the publication of the series of which the Young Man's Own Book was the first, has encouraged the author to add to it, from time to time, such volumes as seemed to harmonize with the design of that work. A volume of extracts from the best poets in our language, selected with a special view to the formation of a correct taste in morals, as well as in poetry, seemed every way conformable with the original design of the series, and it is now submitted to the public. In making the selections, the author has been guided more by the specific character than the authorship of the pieces. Some authors are laid under large contributions on account of the excellent tendency of their writings; while others, perhaps more celebrated, have furnished but a trifling contingent, on account of the diffi 25×492 culty of finding passages of suitable length for extracts, which were entirely free from objection on the score of moral purity. It is not for the author to say how far he has succeeded in adapting this volume to the purpose of forming or modifying the poetical tastes and predilections of the class of readers for whom it is intended. One thing, however, is certain, that he has been governed in the preparation of this, as well as the preceding volumes of the series, by a prevailing desire to promote the best welfare of those for whose perusal they are designed. PHILADELPHIA, June, 1835. |