| William Cowper - 1832 - عدد الصفحات: 602
...sound : the broad responsive low, Ye valleys raise; for the Great Shepherd reigns; And his unsuflering kingdom yet will come. Ye woodlands all, awake: a...Burst .from the groves! and when the restless day, Umpiring, lays the warbling world asleep, Sweetest of birds! sweet Philomela, charm The listening shades,... | |
| Joseph Emerson - 1832 - عدد الصفحات: 122
...low, Ye valleys raise ; for the GREAT SHEPHERD reigns And his unsuffering kingdom yet will come. 75 Ye woodlands all, awake ; a boundless song Burst from...asleep, Sweetest of birds ! sweet Philomela, charm The list'ning shades, and teach the night His praise. 80 Ye chief. for whom the whole creation smiles,... | |
| A. B. Cleveland - 1832 - عدد الصفحات: 496
...Retain the sound: the broad responsive lowe, Ye valleys, raise; for the GRAET SHEPHERD reigns; And his unsuffering kingdom yet will come. Ye woodlands all,...Burst from the groves! and when the restless day, Sweetest of birds! sweet Philomela, charm Expiring, lays the warbling world asleep, Ye chief, for whom... | |
| Henry Stebbing - 1832 - عدد الصفحات: 858
...asleep, Sweetest of hirds ! sweet Philomela charm The listening shades, and teach the night His pra.'s;. Ye chief, for whom the whole creation smiles, At once the head, the heart, and tongue of all, Crown the great hymn ! in swarming cities vast. Assemhled men, to the deep organ... | |
| Henry Stebbing - 1832 - عدد الصفحات: 378
...Retain the sound : the broad responsive low, Ye valleys raise; for the Great Shepherd reigns; And his unsuffering kingdom yet will come. Ye woodlands all, awake : a boundless song Bursts from the groves! and when the restless day, Expiring, lays the warbling world asleep, Sweetest... | |
| 1839 - عدد الصفحات: 876
...melhoughl the shrill-tongued thrush Mended his song of love," &c. 4. AN INVOCATION , BT TBOMSON. " Ye woodlands all, awake ! A boundless song Burst from...The listening shades, and teach the night His praise !" 5. A PENCIL DRAWINO, BT HALLET. " Far in the windings of a vale, Fast by a sheltering wood, The... | |
| Notes - 1834 - عدد الصفحات: 264
...for the poor and stranger: I am the Lord your God. Lev. xix. 9,10. Ps. cxlviii. A. p. 7. HALLELUJAH. Ye chief, for whom the whole creation smiles, At once the head, the heart, and tongue of all, Crown the great hymn; in swarming cities vast, Assembled men, to the deep organ... | |
| Andrew Thomson - 1835 - عدد الصفحات: 302
...hymn. Bleat out afresh, ye hills ; ye mossy rocks, Retain the sound ; the broad responsive low, And his unsuffering kingdom yet will come. Ye woodlands all,...whole creation smiles ; At once the head, the heart, and tongue of all ; Crown the great hymn. In swarming cities vast, Assembled men, to the deep organ... | |
| Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna - 1835 - عدد الصفحات: 598
...viewed it. Looking around upon a universe of mute worshippers, taught to consider myself as one of those Chief, for whom the whole creation smiles, At once the head, the heart, the tongue of all, without any knowledge of my own lost and exceedingly sinful state, any consciousness of that guilty... | |
| James Thomson - 1836 - عدد الصفحات: 164
...the broad responsive low, Ye valleys, raise ; for the Great Shepherd reigns ; And his uri suffering kingdom yet will come. Ye woodlands all, awake : a...Expiring, lays the warbling world asleep, Sweetest of hirds f sweet Philomela, charm The listening shades, and teach the night His praise. Ye chief, for... | |
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