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V. Journal of the Mission which visited Bootan, in 1837-38, under Captain R.
Boileau Pemberton. By W. Griffith, Esq., Madras Medical Establishment,
VI.-Report on the Museum of the Asiatic Society. By Dr. Wm. Jameson, 241
VII.-Proceedings of the Asiatic Society,
VIII.-Meteorological Register,
No. 88.-APRIL.
I. Journal of the Mission which visited Bootan, in 1837-38, under Captain
R. Boileau Pemberton. By W. Griffith, Esq. Madras Medical Establish-
ment. (concluded)
II.-Account of Tamba Patra Plates dug up at Baroda, in Goojrat; with
Facsimile and Translation.
III.-Collection of Facts which may be useful for the comprehension of Alex-
ander the Great's exploits on the Western Banks of the Indus (with map.) 304
IV. Remarks upon the Rain and Drought of the last Eight Seasons in India.
By the Rev. R. Everest, Landour.
V.-Statistical Record of the duration of diseases in 13,019 fatal cases in Hin-
doos.-Extraordinary mortality among Lying-in Women-Compiled by Dr.
Duncan Stewart, Superintendent General of Vaccination.
VI.-Summary description of four new species of Otter. By B. H. Hodgson, Esq.
Resident at Catamandu, Nepal.
VII.-On the Geographic Distribution of the Vulturida, Falconidæ, and Stri-
gida; being the first of a series of memoirs intended to illustrate the Geogra-
phic Distribution of the Ornithological Kingdom. By Wm. Jameson, Esq.,
Assistant Surgeon Bengal Medical Service, &c.
VIII. On the use of Wells, &c. in Foundations; as practised by the natives
of the Northern Doab. By Capt. Cautley, Superintendent of the Doab
IX.-Proceedings of the Asiatic Society.
I.-Notice of Inscriptions in Behar, communicated by Mr. Ravenshaw.
II.-The " Mahimnastava," or a Hymn to Shiva; with an English transla-
tion. By the Rev. Krishna Mohana Banerji.....
III.-Account of a Journey from Calcutta viâ Cuttack and Pooree to Sum-
bulpúr, and from thence to Mednipúr through the Forests of Orissa. By
Lieut. M. Kittoe. (continued)
IV. Proposed publication of Plates of Hindu Architectural Remains.
V.-Papers relative to the New Coal Field of Tenasserim.
VI.-Memoir on the Regeneration and actual state of Medicine in Egypt-
Translated from the Italian of J. E. Mino, Doctor in Philosophy, Medi-
cine, and Surgery. Leghorn, 1838.
VII.-Note on the dissection of the Arctonix Collaris, or Sand Hog.
George Evans, Esq. late Curator to the Asiatic Society.
VIII. On the Cultivation of Roses and the Manufacture of Rose-Water and
Uttur at Ghazeepore.
IX.-Memoranda on the Museum of the Asiatic Society. By Dr. M'Clelland. 415
X.-Observations on the "Report on the Museum of the Asiatic Society, by Dr.
Wm. Jameson," published in the Journal for March, 1839. By J. T. Pearson,
Asistant Surgeon, formerly Curator of the Museum of the Asiatic Society. 419
I.-Extracts from the Narrative of an expedition into the Naga territory of As-
sam. By E. R. Grange, Esq. Sub-Assistant to the Commissioner, Assam,.. 445
II.-Report by Lieut. John Glasfurd, Executive Engineer, Kumaon division,
on the progress made up to the 1st May, 1839, in opening the experimental
Copper Mine in Kumaon,
III.-Account of a Journey from Calcutta viâ Cuttack and Pooree to Sumbul-
púr, and from thence to Mednipúr through the Forests of Orissa. By
IV.-Notice of a Grant engraved on Copper, found at Kumbhi, in the Saugor
V. Mr. Middleton on the Meteors of August 10th, 1839.
VI. Note to the Editors on the Native mode of preparing the perfumed Oils of
Jasmine and Bela. By Dr. Jackson, Ghazeepore.
VII.-Report on the Manufacture of Tea, and on the extent and produce of the
Tea Plantations in Assam. By C. A. Bruce, Esq., Superintendent of Tea
VIII.-Proceedings of the Asiatic Society,
L.—Specimen of the Burmese Drama, translated by J. Smith, Esq., communi-
cated by C. A. Blundell, Esq., Commissioner, &c., Moulmein.....
II.-On the Bora Chung, or the Ground Fish of Bootan. By J. T. Pearson,
IIL-Extracts from official records, with descriptive details regarding the New
Nizamut Palace of Moorshedabad-erected by Colonel D. M'Leod, Chief
Engineer of Bengal.
IV. Researches on the Gale and Hurricane in the Bay of Bengal on the 3rd,
4th, and 5th of June, 1839; being a First Memoir with reference to the
Theory of the Law of Storms in India. By Henry Piddington, Esq.
V.-Note on the "Trochilus and Crocodile" of Herodotus. By W. C. Hurry,
VL-Documents relative to the application of Camel Draught to Carriages;
communicated by C. B. Greenlaw, Esq., Secretary to the Bengal Steam
VII.-Account of a Journey from Calcutta viâ Cuttack
púr, and from thence to Mednipúr through the
I.-Note on the Mechis, together with a small Vocabulary of the Language.
By A. Campbell, Esq. Assistant to the Resident at Nipal, in charge of
II. Researches on the Gale and Hurricane in the Bay of Bengal on the 3rd,
4th, and 5th of June, 1839; with reference to the Theory of the Law of
Storms in India. By Henry Piddington, Esq.
III.-Extracts from Mr. M'Clelland's paper on Indian Cyprinidæ. As. Res.
Vol. XIX. Part II.
IV.-Account of a Journey from Calcutta via Cuttack and Pooree to Sumbul- púr, and from thence to Mednipúr through the Forests of Orissa. By Lieut. M. Kittoe. (continued)
V.-Note on a pillar found in the Ganges near Pubna, and of another at Kurra,
near Allahabad. By Lieut. M. Kittoe.
VI.-Note by Messrs. Jessop & Co. of Calcutta, on the smelting of the Iron Ore
of the district of Burdwan.
VII-Note on the habits of the Coel, and on the discovery of Isinglass. By
Major Davidson.
VIII.-Note on the Scapes of Xanthorhæa and Fossil Stems of Lapidodendra.
I.-Sanscrit Inscription on the Slab removed from above the Kothoutiya gate of
the Fort Rohtas. By the Editors.
II.—On Camel Litters for the Wounded. By H. Piddington, Esq.
III.-Note by Dr. Kean of Moorshedabad, on Dr. Stewart's Table of Mortality
among Hindu Females. ..
IV.-On fifteen varieties of Fossil Shells found in the Saugor and Nerbudda
territories. By George G. Spilsbury, Esq. Surgeon, &c.
V.-Note on the River Goomtee, with a section of its bed. By V. Tregear, Esq.
VI.-Memoranda relative to experiments on the communication of Telegraph
Signals by induced Electricity. By W. B. O'Shaughnessy, Esq. M.D. As-
sistant Surgeon; Professor of Chemistry, Medical College, Calcutta ; and
Officiating Joint-Secretary to the Asiatic Society of Bengal,
VII.-Extract from a Memoir on the Preparations of the Indian Hemp, or Gun-
jah, (Cannabis Indica) their effects on the Animal system in Health, and
their utility in the Treatment of Tetanus and other Convulsive Diseases. By
W. B. O'Shaughnessy, Esq. M.D. Professor in the Medical College of Cal- cutta, &c. &c.
VIII. Memoir on the Climate, Soil, Produce, and Husbandry of Afghanistan
and the Neighbouring Countries. By Lieut. Irwin.
I.-Memoir on the Climate, Soil, Produce, and Husbandry of Afghanistan and
the Neighbouring Countries. By Lieut. Irwin, (continued)
II.-March between Mhow and Saugor, 1839.
III.-On an Aerolite presented to the Society.
IV. Extracts from the Mohit (the Ocean,) a Turkish work on Navigation in the
Indian Seas. Translated and communicated by Joseph Von Hammer,
Baron Purgestall, Aulic Counsellor, and Professor of Oriental Languages at
Vienna, &c. &c.
V.-Description of an Astronomical Instrument presented by Rajah Ram Sing,
of Khota, to the Government of India. By J. J. Middleton, Esq. of the
Hindoo College, Calcutta.
VI.-Extract from a Memoir on the preparations of the Indian Hemp, or Gun-
their utility in the Treatment of Tetanus and other Convulsive Diseases.
By W. B. O'Shaughnessy, Esq. M.D. Professor in the Medical College
of Calcutta, &c. &c. (concluded)
VII.-Memorandum on the Explosion of Gunpowder under Water by the
Galvanic Battery; with a notice of the successful destruction of the "Equi-
table" at Fultah Reach. By W. B. O'Shaughnessy, Esq. M.D. Assistant
IX.-Meteorological Register,
I.—Memoir on the Climate, Soil, Produce, and Husbandry of Afghanistan and
II-Journal of a trip through Kunawur, Hungrung, and Spiti, undertaken in
the year 1838, under the patronage of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, for the
purpose of determining the geological formation of those districts.-By
Lieut. Thomas Hutton, 37th Regt. N. I., Assistant Surveyor to the Agra
III.-Notes on various Fossil Sites on the Nurbudda; illustrated by specimens
V.-Meteorological Register,
.... 971
L-Third Report on Tenasserim-the surrounding Nations,-Inhabitants, Na-
tives and Foreigners-Character, Morals and Religion.-By John William
Helfer, M.D.
II.-Memoir on the Climate, Soil, Produce, and Husbandry of Afghanistan and
III.—Journal of a Mission from the Supreme Government of India to the Court
of Siam,
IV.-Remarks on the Geology, &c. of the country extending between Bhar and
V.-Note on the process of washing for the gold dust and diamonds at Heera